NaNoWriMo is a little different this year. It’s changed the usual way of joining a group. Writers are unable to search for group names and join. Therefore, I need to add each writer to the group this year.
If you’d like to join a private group on NaNoWriMo, please:
1. Sign up for NaNoWriMo at: to set up your FREE account and name.
2. DM me (Gayvin Powers) in Facebook or email me (hello @ with your NaNoWriMo name.
3. I’ll send you an invitation to join the group in NaNoWriMo.
4. Accept the invitation.
You’ll be added to my private writing group for NaNoWriMo.

Common Issues:
When signing up for NaNoWriMo, there are common mistakes that can keep you from joining a group.
For more information, download the free Preptober BFF Planner and follow Step 1 under “Common Issues.”
See you in my NaNo “Fun & Focused First Draft” group. Sign up early, space is limited to the first 20 writers. XO