Finishing Strong: Last Words in a Manuscript
Hi Writers!
Make the most of Black Friday by putting black ink on your pages!
Hope all of you have a stupendous Thanksgiving and are excited for the final weekend of NaNo.
I reached 50K words the night before Thanksgiving. YAY! I started as NaNo Classic and finished as a Rebel. That’s right, I’m a rebel writer. I missed out on a prep exercise this year due to helping my son get well. That exercise gives me 5K-10K worth of words by the time I’m done. I saved the last 10K of words to do that exercise. Now, I’m ready to revise, add more dimension, depth, character motivation, and twists for the reader. My take away, do what you need to do in order to get you to the next phase of your writing.
Tips for Finishing Strong:
1. Write what you need to write to get you to the next phase of your writing.
2. Write about world building. For example, I wrote all of my world building elements (the last 10K words) and answered key questions that illuminate the world to me. It also helps me with character motivation and seeing how my character moves and navigates her world.
3. Write about your main character’s goals.
4. Make a list of the filler scenes that connect the plot points. Write those scenes.
5. Add transitions to your story.
These are some tips that can help you make your word count and win NaNo.
What are some of your tips that you’re doing or did that have helped you become successful?
You’ve got this! You can do it!!
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