My biggest challenge with writing is...

I write in...

My characters...

My stories are driven by...

My story ending typically end up like this...
Pantster Planner Writer Quiz!
You are a Planner!
You are structure-driven and write from an linear, logial place. You know the journey you want for your character and perhaps the story you want to tell. At times your characters act to fit the scene.
Characters may seem inauthentic to readers because they make decisions to move the plot forward, not because of their goals, wants or fears.
Like Amelia Earhardt, you are focused with linear thinking. To discover fly, she had to have a plan, adapt and act, based upon her knowledge, personality and goals. This will give you an authentic story.
You are Pantster!
You are character-driven, writing organically and intuitively. Characters speak to you regularly and sometimes they like to take over the story, leading you down unwanted paths and endings. Your characters and their choices appear authentic to readers.
You may like to write dual perspectives or stop your stories in the middle of Act 2. Your stories are rich with back story, but many times they lack a solid road map.
Like the Anemoi, Greek goddesses of the winds, you must choose a direction. Study structure, set a goal for your character and make intuitive structural decisions.
P2 (PlanSter)
Congratulations! You're a P2 (PlanSter)!
You have heart and structural soul, giving you balanced writing. You know that good story comes out of character and that a story needs a strong structure in place in order to achieve your desired ending.
You blend character with a structure that moves the story forward, providing an authentic story with engaging characters for readers.
Like Artemis and Apollo, the moon and sun twins, you have the ability to blend moon (character) and sun (structure). Both of these elements need the other. Stay true to both and you will succeed in writing your timeless tales.
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